Kirkpatrick forever!

Full disclosure, this is my favourite framework for evaluating learning because it is easy to understand and covers aspects of training effectiveness from immediate learner reactions to real-world impact on business goals.

Image gratefully borrowed from

The Kirkpatrick Model is a four-level approach. Let's break it down:

Level 1 - Reaction: The first level focuses on gathering immediate feedback from learners. We want to know how engaged they were during the training and whether they found the experience valuable. This step helps us fine-tune our training sessions based on learners' reactions, ensuring a more engaging and effective learning environment. If you’re getting comments about the snacks, this is the level of effectiveness you achieved. I know, mean - but it’s true.

Level 2 - Learning: Moving on, we assess the knowledge and skills acquired by participants during the training. It's essential to measure how much information they retained and how well they can apply it in real-life scenarios. This level ensures that the training has a tangible impact on the learners' abilities and empowers them to put their newfound skills to work.

Level 3 - Behavior: Here, we shift our focus to the workplace. We want to see if learners are applying what they've learned in their day-to-day tasks. This level helps us gauge the practicality of the training and its direct impact on job performance. Observing behavioral changes in the workplace is a significant step in determining the overall effectiveness of the training program.

Level 4 - Results: The pinnacle! At this level, we zoom out and assess the bigger picture – the results and impact of the training on the organization's goals. Did the training contribute to improved performance, increased productivity, or better customer satisfaction? The ultimate goal is to see a positive return on investment and ensure that the training aligns with the organization's objectives.

Allé! Vive la Kirkpatrick!


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